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The Concept:
Set up a see through structure for Bonam to make and perform music in a public London location. Collaborating with the space and audience.



The "Box" needs to be architecturally intriguing for passer-by's to stop what they're doing and come and interact with it. 

Key indoor features:
Bed - Desk - Chill zone
Key external features:
Vocal booth/platform - Letter box of ideas - bar - 
Touch Screen booth-Stage

See renders below: 

Audience Participation

bonam render 3 no background.png
bonam render 8 no background.png
bonam render 2 no background.png
bonam render no background.png

Passerby's will be able to participate in three ways:


Dropping objects/notes in the letterbox for Bonam to use in the music. This could be objects found around the site giving them a new use and life.

Record sounds in the vocal booth for Bonam to use.

Through a digital touch screen they will also have access to the Radiooo app where they will be able to curate from which country and time period music will be played between other activities. 



Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 15.10.29.png

Proposed Daily Schedule

7 AM - 9 AM
Sound bath/ambient performance with visuals. For people to relax and get ready to work. Nature sounds and relaxing visuals with ambient synths.
9 AM - 10 AM
10 AM - 2 PM
People can pick music via Radiooo app 
2 PM - 7 PM
Music-making/going through sounds people recorded and objects they want me to use. 
7 PM - 8 PM
9 PM - 10 PM
Live Performance

Locations Ideas

Outernet (Tottenham Court Road)

- Average daily footfall of 225'000
- Access to screens and 3D L-acoustic sound systems
- Security 
- Digital reach of over 14 million from people sharing their experiences across socials

outernet 2.webp

Art Gallery (180 Studios, Tate, Barbican)

- Footfall varies on gallery but should be decent
- Security


180 studios.jpeg

Window display for popular high street brand/Selfridges

- Average daily footfall of 130'00 (oxford street)
- Could do brand collab (i.e wear burberry for a week)
- Security 

Selfridges window display.webp
burberry shop window.jpeg


Artist: Bonam
Architect: Cesar Jucker (AA, Alfabe)
Manager: Kam Gantcheva (ID539)
Build: Kieron James (Metamorphika)
Lights: Shaun Simms (Lemonz services, Studio 9294, Number 90, Lightbox)


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